Community Development Workers Association Inc

Growing great brassicas in the lowland tropics

The sheet on brassicas- that is the family of all cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, pak choi, chinese cabbage etc- is available on the page called Good Agricultural practices.
Here we show a cauli grown during a lot of rain in 2010. Photo taken in early August.
These cauli’s were started in a polybag with insect proof cloth to keep insects out. That way there were no setbacks for the young crop. They were grown in a lot of chicken manure and compost for the first weeks of their life in polybags with about 6 seeds per polybag. Don’t put more seeds in than that- if the polybags are about 20 cm diameter.
Here is a great example of what can be achieved.
Beware. Don’t harvest within 14 days of spraying insecticide. Or- don’t use any insecticide within two weeks of harvesting. You want the final crop to be good and healthy to eat, as well as looking great!