Community Development Workers Association Inc

Labu siam and Labu jepang – Choko and Hybrid Squash pumpkin

There is some confusion between two quite different vegetables. Labu siam, pictured below is known (in English) as Choko.

This vegetable is used for it’s fruit and the green tips make enjoyable and very tasty green shoot/steamed vegetables. These are particularly nice in a stew, curry with some meat or fish. Labu siam grows best in cool conditions – approximately 300-1000m above sea level, but will also grow at sea level. A shady cool spot, where it can climb into a hedge or row of trees – eg Lamtoro will suit it well. It is established by buying clean fruit in the market and treating it much like a coconut is started. As the fruit matures a root will grow from the fruit. Lay it on its side, in a cool spot, partially covered with compost/leaf mulch.

The second vegetable is Labu jepang. This is squash type of pumpkin, often the seed is expensive hybrid. These are very tasty and keep well. They are likely to struggle in the lowlands. Kilu Consulting provided seeds of this designed for tropical comditions, from Terranova seeds, sometime in 2011. Records may show how well it did. Perhaps we could supply some more seed?