Community Development Workers Association Inc

Wild Sunflower as Mulch

Wild sunflower may be useful as a way of reducing weevil attack. Mulch like this (below right in photos) used on top of the ground on a kaukau mound will

  • reduce harmful effects of heavy rain – erosion may be reduced. Top soil is really valuable.
  • reduce cracking of soil during hot sun. That means weevils will find it harder to damage the growing kaukau tubers.
  • reduce weed seed germination.

wild sunflower fence tithonia kompiam 0420151217_100622
Wild sunflower may well be useful as a means to reduce weevil damage – used as both a mulch on the soil surface and also as compost in the kaukau mound. Note the wild sunflower is known to accumulate Phosphorous – that’s good news for gardeners who don’t use store bought fertiliser.



neem flowers

Neem is a common insecticide rich tree in the lowlands around Port Moresby and has been used for thousands of years in India and elsewhere.

tephrosia pod flowers Tephrosia
Tephrosia is a common shrub in the highlands, with known insecticidal properties. How good it is as a mulch in the kaukau mound is still unknown. We’d like to hear from you.