Community Development Workers Association Inc

Village Vanilla Greenhouses in the Highlands


Planting of Vanilla in poly-houses is a simple technology but has not been tried in PNG, However, Mr. Rati Irikati developed some mega houses in Wau and planted Vanilla for the first time in a PNG Highlands area. The story has been a success. Mr. Irikati is here with me, CDWAI Team Leader David Kulimbao, in Goroka. I will use him to train the Women groups to plant Vanilla in Goroka and areas where Vanilla is already growing.

Attached is the material list for a small poly house to be built, photos of where I have prepared the land area for poly house (just at the back of my house), Vanilla Photos from Wau, CV for Rati who will help me to train the Farmers.

Importance of the New Technology – Observations in Wau

  • Fast growth – 1st flowers after 14 months

Maturity period reduced to maturity at 1 year from 3 years

  • Increased production, produced 4 extra branches on the bearing fruit bunch, main loop making it 5 branch
  • Increase number of plants per hectare from 1,111 to 3,333
  • Healthy fruits and healthy growth
  • Easy management and handling of plants
  • Maximum security because it’s a house
  • Plant height is decided by the owner, easier for pollination (appropriate for woman) etc

CDWAI has gone ahead with implementation of the Vanilla Greenhouse Concept. We have built the Greenhouse. Moreover, while the vanilla plants are growing well we have already presented and demonstrated the project to community PLWD groups, People Living with Disabilities.