Community Development Workers Association Inc

Posts by dave41

When AT projects, University of Goroka, UNDP visit – what do they see at CDWAI?

Community Development Workers Association (Inc) (CDWAI) have many relevant ‘demonstrations’ for visitors. This isn’t a demonstration area, rather a family garden that provides nutritious food, and opportunity to showcase sustainable technologies that work. After the 1997 drought the CDWAI team worked especially in the Baiyer valley, in Kompiam (Enga) and in Telefomin district to train […]

Demonstrating mulch and erosion in heavy rain

A simple, farmer demonstration speaks clearly of the value of mulch. Make two simple mounds, as if to plant kaukau (sweet potato). Leave one mound open, normal. The other mound, cover with leafy rubbish. Now take a simple watering can and pour about 7 litres of water over each mound. The mound on the left […]

2024 and beyond – Agro-ecological innovations among women’s groups surrounding Goroka

Large areas of Eastern Highlands have been reduced to expansive grassland with often uncontrolled fires damaging fallow plants and forest resources – fruit, nuts, timber. There is a pressing need to turn ongoing degradation into renewal and re-creation. CDWAI team members provide training and demonstrations in the use of varied technologies that local farmer/gardeners can […]

Village Vanilla Greenhouses in the Highlands

Introduction Planting of Vanilla in poly-houses is a simple technology but has not been tried in PNG, However, Mr. Rati Irikati developed some mega houses in Wau and planted Vanilla for the first time in a PNG Highlands area. The story has been a success. Mr. Irikati is here with me, CDWAI Team Leader David […]

UNDP – Agroecology interventions towards sustainability

In February 2021 the CDWAI team are submitting a proposal for agroecological interventions/changes in gardens that reflect the stress garden systems are under. Sloping land is intensively farmed. Sloping land experiences severe erosion – top soil loss is not easily reversed. The picture/map shows how many villages are in the project area. 

Erosion – giving away precious topsoil

Farmers in PNG live with too much and too little rain. Too much rain is the main reason farmers make vertical ditches in their steep landscapes when making gardens. However, these same ditches carry away precious top soil. Depending on location topsoil maybe shallow on top of relatively infertile sedimentary deposits, uplifted by tectonic action. […]